Owl's Nest

FAU's Original Fan Site est.2003

Smitty checking in…

Good morning Owl Country! Received this update from Smitty this morning…sounds like he is officially off to a good start on the journey to the Motor City Bowl… Merry Christmas everyone! ================================================================== They guy I spoke with about parking yesterday was correct. There was parking! The current thread advisory, ya know… The color codes the government came up with, is orange. I’m looking for a phone that does the intercom in the terminal so I can get on there and say… “The current level is bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Go Owls” I would probably get arrested. But I’d have a good story to tell. Interesting note: Apparently my name is on a “no fly” list. We all know its not me, but someone with a similar… Or the same name. Maybe I’m being sabotaged by CMU fans? Nahhhh they are too nice. I bet I’m being sabotaged my Hutton. He’s afraid more people will read my blog than his! LOL just kidding I hope Santa was good to those that celebrate. Wheels up in t-minus 60 minutes. Live from McDonalds in Terminal 2 at San Antonio International Airport, -$’07 10:21AM UPDATE: Boarding for Detroit Checking in from Dallas. Looking around the airport, it’s very clear that I’m the lone Owl in the Lonestar state’s largest airport. Other schools being repped, besides the hometown teams, include Arizona, Vanderbilt, Michigan State and Arizona State. If there is an Owl fan, they’ll find me. I’m wearing a MCB hat, FAU polo, FAU warm-up jacket and my FAU ring and watch. But if someone identifies themselves as an Owl after noticing my ring or watch, that means they were way to close tome and checking out my valuables a little to closely. On my plane flight here there were some WVU Mountaineers, but I didn’t get a chance to speak with them. I talked with some FAU players and parents over the past week and tried to find out who is coming from where. Rob Housler, who hails from San Antonio, said his parents weren’t making the trip, but his family from NY was. Nick Paris’ mom and brother as well as Wertepney’s (spelling?)family are coming in from Florida. There is also a family of a player coming in from Corpus Christi, Texas. Dirty Mike is flying in from New York as well. I’m sure there are a lot more, but those are the ones that I am aware of. I’ll check back in when I get to the hotel. Tonight is the fan dinner at 8 p.m. and then tomorrow is the day we’ve all been waiting for. As for now, I’m going to wander around the terminal and find me a Chippewa! -$mitty

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